August 28, 2005

The Amsterdam Notebooks—Page 28.

It's Day 28 of this 35 day project. (The set thus far.) I'm still at the Stedelijkmuseum, where we saw that video installation yesterday. Today, I look at a huge collage by Henri Matisse and draw a tiny detail, and then I go on to the sort of thing that makes people think sculpture is just terrible:

Amsterdam Notebook

Amsterdam Notebook

This sculpture was room size and not made of any fine material like marble or wood. It was just a shoddy assemblage. And, yes, the devil is sitting on a toilet. The angels are holding it aloft. It's called "The Triumph of Love." Doesn't that give you a wonderful opportunity to think deeply about... what? How crappy your last relationship was?

1 comment:

Simon Kenton said...

Well, it's theologically sound, in an allusive way - Dante associated the center of Hell with the devil's asshole, and Luther ranted scatologically about the devil. So I get the point. That said, I don't get the point.