July 22, 2009

"The President serves up a kind of combo platter tonight, a news conference and an address to the nation, as he continues his full-court press..."

Katie Couric dishes out an atrocious mixed metaphor.


I'll comment on that combo platter soon. I just caught the tail-end of my recording and need to go back to the beginning. Feel free to comment on the whole event here. I'll have more here soon.

ADDED: Here's the transcript. Sorry, I'm too tired to provide any commentary.

Here's the text of the health care bill.


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 264 of 264
Anonymous said...

And all those other countries ration care. They lag in technology. Their hospitals are dirty. Nobody can get transplants. The old and the sick die regularly. Waits for doctors are terrible. Shortages are everywhere. Taxes are high and there's still not enough money.

We don't want that here. We didn't want it in 1993. We don't want it now. Don't tread on us.

JAL said...

Freeman Most people don't have frequent bank-breaking illnesses.


So we have to trash our whole healthcare system and let the government into our medicine cabinets (but NOT in our bedrooms, heaven forbid) because there is a small percentage of people who have bank-breaking illnesses which cannot be re-negotiated or paid down or charitized? (My new word.) So we can end up with mediocre care and fewer physicians?

What happened to people's brains? ("This is your brain on Obama ...")

Keep shining the light y'all.

JAL said...

How's that baby, Freeman?

Freeman Hunt said...

Dear Obama,

I didn't buy insurance. It costs money. I spent the money on bar hopping and 700 television channels. Now I'm sick, and it's costing me EVERYTHING!

Life sucks!

Fix it!

Your Next Anecdote

Freeman Hunt said...

Baby is great! Thanks for asking.

And if he gets sick, he's covered by PRIVATE insurance. And because he lives in a country where healthcare is still private, he has access to the best healthcare in the world.

Life is good.

Anonymous said...

Just because we have the best technology, the best drugs, no shortages (and, in fact, abundance) -- just because of all that you are going to call our health care the best in the world?

But...but...in Canada it's free. Free is better than good.

Jim said...

freeman -

You left out:

"I ran up my credit cards buying Che Guevara shirts and Birkenstocks, paying for Dominos delivery to my dorm room while Mom & Dad paid my college tuition.

Also, pot dealers only deal in cash, so I had to take out cash advances on my credit card and you know how much those evil banks charge for cash advances.

So while you're at it, could you tell those bad banks to stop making me pay back the money they duped me into spending?

It's OK if you make Mom & Dad pay more for their credit to make up for the money they lose on me, they actually have jobs.

I'm volunteering for ACORN this summer between semesters, so could ya help me out?


bagoh20 said...

Freeman Hunt said: "So, do you vote your rep out because he didn't act on the healthcare thing? You agree with him on other issues. That guy running against him is wrong about trade and foreign relations and taxation. Hmmmm."

This a huge problem with having Govt. running too many issues of our lives.

It's as if firing your insurance company meant you had to change husbands. You are powerless.

Then the elected officials just do what they or their best donors want in each case.

The idea that we will have any power to effect change with this is silly. Not to mention that what I want may be different than what you want. There will be only one choice. Under the current system you can buy what you want and me what I want. What a crazy idea. What's the word for that? Oh yea, freedom.

So, there is THE defining disagreement as always. Conservatives value freedom over equality and liberals prefer equality over freedom or even quality.

A conservative will accept that some will get more than others as long as we have the choice and opportunity to improve our choice. The liberal would prefer we all get the same thing even if we all get much less. This requires eliminating choice.

The Left always must resort to totalitarianism - it has to to enforce equality. The Right, when overzealous, resorts to authoritarianism which only seeks to keep itself in power and really couldn't care less how people conduct their lives. Consequently the Right is always less dangerous than the Left with power. Universal Health care will demonstrate this perfectly, when we all get less, but more equally, except of course the power elite, as Obama admitted tonight.

Jim said...

freeman -

"And because he lives in a country where healthcare is still private, he has access to the best healthcare in the world."

Didn't know you had a little one, so much belated congrats to you.

I've got a 2-yr old little blonde girl running around this house that is an absolute joy, and the main reason that I refuse to give in to these eugenicist bastards. If Obama wants to get between me and her pediatrician if she ever needs some treatment that "best practices" says she can't have, then he better plan on bringing his whole Secret Service contingent with him. He's gonna need it.

JAL said...

We seem to be the only significant capitalist country without universal health care.

Seriously. Why is that bad?

We also have some of the best care in the world, remember?

There was a study (have to find it) where our UNINSURED got better coverage than the nationally insured in ... France, UK, Canada --- some twosome combination of those. Have to look it up after I get some sleep.

bagoh20 said...

Jim, I don't have kids but I can imagine the anger I would feel if mine was denied care needed by some bureaucrat. I get angry just thinking about, the helplessness passed back and forth between my eyes and my child's. Especially knowing back in July of 2009, how our President lied to us about it.

JAL said...

And our DMV offices in the counties I have used them in are terrific.

You know why? They are PRIVATE CONTRACTORS.

Lousy service = lose the contracts.

I moved from NY 30+ years ago and still remember the horrible attitude at the various NY State DMVs we had to utilize there.

Day. Night.

KB said...


I have worked in Medical Malpractice defense for five years. Under the current situation, there is zero incentive for providers to deny care. The decision to supply or deny care is reviewed under the standard of care within the community. If a medical group fails to timely authorize, or fails to authorize treatment for any reason the result is the same, liability for medical negligence.

As for the federal government, there are a number of reasons why otherwise necessary care would be denied or provided on an untimely basis. The first and most insidious is tort immunity. If the Feds screw up, there is no consequence (even worse a litigious victim will still sue every other person who provided care who doesn't have such immunity.) Second, there's no accountability for bureaucratic inefficiencies. If any delay happens as a result of federal involvement, it is too great. I've seen too many cases hinge on orders from a doctor being delayed by mere minutes.

You are simply mistaken to think that it is a matter of federal employees being evil or lazy, it's simply bad enough that they are in the way and don't bear any responsibility for their actions.

miller said...

JAL - thank you for making my point.

The USPS - bless them - is underfunded & staffed by depressed and demotivated people. They are listless, and their work environment is worn, dirty, and essentially hopeless.

Yet they have a monopoly on service.

How is this different than the vision of ObamaCare™?

Your bureaucrat who will review your health care won't report to you or even need to respond to you -- he will be responding to his boss, who (a) is not you and (b) is insulated from whatever lever or tool you try to use to get him to act on your behalf.

You like the USPS, the DMV, and the county planning offices?

You'll love ObamaCare™

miller said...

But hope! change! Unicorns! Candy! Free ice cream!

"He gonna pay my car payment and my mortgage" -- Obama voter

Jim said...

bagoh20 -

"I get angry just thinking about, the helplessness passed back and forth between my eyes and my child's."

There's probably nothing worse in the world for a parent than when your child is in pain and there's nothing you can do about it.

My little one was born early, so we had to take her back to the hospital within a couple of days of returning home because of a health complication.

She needed an X-Ray, and the way they have to do them for infants is to trap them in a clear acrylic cylinder for the duration of the testing.

My wife was unable to even be in the room listening to her screams. It hurt, and our little one didn't understand why daddy couldn't make it stop. It broke my heart and still makes my eyes well up when I think about it.

It was probably at that moment when the real meaning of being a parent struck home the hardest for me: the realization that I would have let them cut off one of my arms if it would have saved her from that pain and never having to see that look in her eyes that seemed to say "Why won't you make it OK, daddy?"

I'm not ashamed to say that the experience left me teary-eyed which I quickly had to wipe away so that I could be "strong" for my wife who was already in enough emotional distress over the whole situation.

Ours was, thankfully, a minor inconvenience in the greater scheme of things and she recovered quickly. I can only imagine the emotional struggle of parents of children with far more serious and/or chronic problems.

That Obama would even think to slam our doctors (and nurses and techs) who were there, or our insurance company which paid their share without a peep is unconsciable to me.

That he would think of interposing himself between us and them is even worse. That anyone would think he should have the right to do so in the name of nothing more than a naked grab for political power is a poor reflection on them.

Synova said...

"If there's a blue pill and a red pill, and the blue pill is half the price of the red pill and works just as well, why not pay half price for the thing that's going to make you well?

But the system right now doesn't incentivize that.

Has anyone mentioned this yet? I simply CAN NOT hear the words "red pill" and "blue pill" and not be transported to the Matrix. I try to remember... which is the *bad* pill? Which one leads to miserable reality? Which one leads to happy illusion?

It's the same sort of inevitable and inescapable association as every time Bush the Elder said "New World Order" and I flashed on visions of the Beast.

The blue pill or the red pill...

Just call me Trinity and use your imagination for the black leather unitard, eh?

Anonymous said...

There's no need to arouse us, Synova.

Methadras said...

Florida said...

"Obama starts by saying we need to transcend partisanship. Then he talks about a Blue pill being better than a Red pill."

Is anyone else embarrassed that the President's fucking speechwriter is embedding analogies from The Matrix into his speeches?

What a bunch of maroons.

I'm actually shocked that he didn't ask us to also follow the white rabbit after we awake from a stupor. You watch now how the red/blue pill meme is going to take hold and yet no one will comment on the illusion that is the matrix we are in right now.

Jim said...

Synova -

"I simply CAN NOT hear the words "red pill" and "blue pill" and not be transported to the Matrix."

I had to ROFL when he used the example as I was immediately reminded of Morpheus presenting Neo with the option.

I have my own beautiful, blond-haired version of "Trinity" here at home, but could you tell me where you picked up that wonderful black suit? I just had the urge to do a little shopping....

Bruce Hayden said...

We seem to be the only significant capitalist country without universal health care. Our peers include Red China, North Korea, and Africa minus the RSA.

And that, my boy, is why most medical innovation, ranging from new drugs, through new surgical techniques are invented and first introduced here.

Bruce Hayden said...

I don't think that what KB is saying about the legal differences between private and public health care payers can be repeated too many times.

There is a significant potential downside for private insurers to deny coverage, or, indeed, apparently to delay authorizing it. For one thing, they can be legally liable for significant amounts should they deny coverage or delay authorization of medical care.

But the government is legally immune from this sort of litigation. You simply cannot sue the government for failing to authorize or timely approve medical treatment. It is called sovereign immunity. There may be a couple of small exceptions to this, but all have huge hurdles to overcome first, and none provide for punitive damages, pain and suffering, etc.

blake said...

Actually, it's not denying services that makes insurance profitable (and the margins are fairly narrow), it's correct assessment of risk spread over a large group of people.

Left to their own devices (ha!) insurance companies can get very good at this. But it won't be fair: blacks will end up charged more than whites, men more than women, etc.

But, of course, the whole premise is based on the notion that most of us lose a little money so that none of us lose a lot.

Non-catastrophic is not so expensive these days. And, man, is it fast.

middleQ said...

After listing to this speech I think it is clear that Obama is pushing this bill through as fast as possible to squelch any debate on the subject. No one actually knows what the bill is going to be like, the Blue Dog Dems. Want the “public option” off the table, yet Polosi and crowed want it in. Seems to me that Obama and Polosi are a one trick pony. To solve all problems we just need to spend more money and create a government bureaucracy, or Czar, to over see it. They are like the carpenter who owns only a hammer, and all the problems are nails. In other words “stale old ideas.”

I used to work for a company that wrote software medical billing software for hospitals. We supplied software for all 50 states, New Zealand, Australia, Finland, Norway,Ireland and Belgium. I have a good idea how the medical systems work in these countries.

First of all Universal health care does not equal Socialized Health care. If you look at all the countries that have Universal health care most are not socialized and many don't have a public option. Of course what I see in the Obama/Polosi plan is to try and socialize our medical system and are resistant to removing the “public option.” Many of the countries with public options are trying to move more people to private plans not the other way around, yet Obama/Polosi are moving in the opposite direction. More “stale old ideas.” In fact even Great Britten is encouraging more private plans and has broken up it's system to a more regional model. I do support a Universal Health plan just not the “stale old ideas” that Obama and Polosi came up with.

If I was the press I would have asked these questions;

1.The Irish had a plan similar to what you are purposing, the public plan was straddles with huge debt while private plans made off like bandits. What in your plan would keep this from happening to us?
2.You stated that certain medical procedures were to be denied if they didn't really help the patient, who will make that decision, the doctor or a bureaucrat?
3.If your plan denies certain treatments or procedures to patients what protections will the doctors get when they deny them? If the Government denies a certain type of treatment that the patient thinks would work are you not inviting risk to the doctors that might get sued?
4.Medical malpractice suits have been a force in driving up medical costs, many based on pseudo science, is there anything in your bill that would address this problem?
5.In many of the nations that have Universal Heather Care, it only extends to citizens and residents, would our system be similar, or would we also insure illegal aliens.
6.How much is this really going to cost?
7.Nancy Polosi wants to raise the surtax to families that make more than 1 million dollars a year from your $250,000 a year, how much does she really make? Knowing her she wants to avoid the new tax.
8.Why has congress refused to use the same system that you want the American people to use?

reader_iam said...

Take a fking number while some half-literate obese bitch decides whether she likes you or not before your kid gets the medicine they need.

Well,I guess that's that.

Deb said...

I know this thread is over, but I wanted to post this. I have a friend who was diagnosed with multiple myeloma about 18 months ago. Since then, she has been in and out of the hospital, undergoing several unsuccessful treatments for this disease. Apparently she has a very aggressive form of MM. She begins yet another clinical trial next week, one which will hopefully, maybe put her in remission but who knows? It's really a trial to determine the maximum tolerable dose of this new drug.

Under Il Duce's "health care plan", using the term loosely and bitterly, I shudder to think what her fate would be.

Would O's plan eliminate clinical trials such as this, since - to be brutally honest -- there is probably very little hope of remission at this point. I think they're buying time.

Would some "obese bitch" (I've dealt witha few of thos) tell her there's no point?

Where's O's "hope" for those people?

The sad irony in this is that I imagine she supported Obama.

With two young daughters, this is what terrifies me - one of the many things -- about this plan.

"This isn't about me" - like hell. It's ALL about Obama.

Roger J. said...

FLS: your arguments might be better supported is you stopped using weekly news magazines as a source. Since I dont own a TV I didnt much care about the "news conference." Rather my lady and I had a great walk, bought a case of wine at our local wine merchant, and enjoyed a wonderful shrimp louie.. Bet my evening was better than yours.

The Dude said...

I keep calling my senator - somehow her voicemail box is always full. It must be all of my neighbors calling her to tell her to support this wonderful plan because there will be rainbows.

The Dude said...

Make Money Online said :

I just see your blog about online money making system to be useful for me. I have a blog about money making online and advice me to get more ideas to improve my blogs.

It looks Barry's ideas have a fan in the non-English speaking part of the world.

AllenS said...

Make Money online said... "and advice me"

Learn how to spell, and maybe you'll make more money.

AllenS said...

Obama's plan is two tacos short of a combo platter.

TWM said...

"We seem to be the only significant capitalist country without universal health care. Our peers include Red China, North Korea, and Africa minus the RSA:"

If all the other kids jumped off a bridge would you do it too?

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

It will pay for itself..

It will do no such thing.

Just check out this item buried in this massive entitlement - A National Medical Device Registry. (I could only just skimmed thru it)

) In this paragraph, the term `data' refers to information respecting a device described in paragraph (1), including claims data, patient survey data, standardized analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of data from disparate data environments, electronic health records, and any other data deemed appropriate by the Secretary.

`(4) Not later than 36 months after the date of the enactment of this subsection, the Secretary shall promulgate regulations for establishment and operation of the registry under paragraph (1). Such regulations--

`(A)(i) in the case of devices that are described in paragraph (1) and sold on or after the date of the enactment of this subsection, shall require manufacturers of such devices to submit information to the registry, including, for each such device, the type, model, and serial number or, if required under subsection (f), other unique device identifier; and

`(ii) in the case of devices that are described in paragraph (1) and sold before such date, may require manufacturers of such devices to submit such information to the registry, if deemed necessary by the Secretary to protect the public health;

`(B) shall establish procedures--

`(i) to permit linkage of information submitted pursuant to subparagraph (A) with patient safety and outcomes data obtained under paragraph (3); and

`(ii) to permit analyses of linked data;

`(C) may require device manufacturers to submit such other information as is necessary to facilitate postmarket assessments of device safety and effectiveness and notification of device risks;

`(D) shall establish requirements for regular and timely reports to the Secretary, which shall be included in the registry, concerning adverse event trends, adverse event patterns, incidence and prevalence of adverse events, and other information the Secretary determines appropriate, which may include data on comparative safety and outcomes trends; and

`(E) shall establish procedures to permit public access to the information in the registry in a manner and form that protects patient privacy and proprietary information and is comprehensive, useful, and not misleading to patients, physicians, and scientists

Now how much would you pay?

`(5) To carry out this subsection, there are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary for fiscal years 2010 and 2011.'.

Think what could possibly constitute a "medical device" and the implications of a "registry" w/o debate, hearings to find out what this is about.

Nothing, zero, nada.

mariner said...

Is anyone else embarrassed that the President's fucking speechwriter is embedding analogies from The Matrix into his speeches?

I'm not embarrassed at all -- I'm delighted at the rhetorical gift.

The American people can decide to unplug from Obama's Matrix and see the world as it is ...

The American people aren't being raised -- they're being grown as a source of wealth to feed the Federal government ...

Someone more gifted than I could turn this into a powerful meme.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Please if you are reading this Notice this.

In this paragraph, the term `data' refers to ... electronic health records, and any other data deemed appropriate by the Secretary.

Now you would think that handing over medical records to another bureaucracy would raise some alarm bells.

Mind you, I haven’t red the whole thing. This "registry" just jump out at me.

MadisonMan said...

It's as if firing your insurance company meant you had to change husbands. You are powerless.

Excellent analogy.

Re: DMV. I have to say that the DMV here is town has excellent service -- especially the one on the East Side. Courteous workers, efficient. They all seemed to know which forms anybody would need. In short, they've been well-trained.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

I could be misreading this of course, but like the guy that saw a dark spot on Jupiter the other day.. maybe I should point it out and it may bear repeating.

If this thing passes as is the federal government will have our medical records.

Am I missing something? That note just doesn’t sound right.

The Drill SGT said...

I was struck by this quote from the O statement:

The one commitment that I've been clear about is I don't want that final one-third of the cost of health care to be completely shouldered on the backs of middle class families who are already struggling in a difficult economy.

And so, if I see a proposal that is primarily funded through taxing middle class families, I'm going to be opposed to that because I think there are better ideas to do it.

It seems to convey 2 things to me:

1, Obama intends to break that Campaign promise that Middle class would see their taxes go down, not up.

2. Obama isnt honest with the people that health care costs will go down. If we were "bending the cost curve down", why would we be adding big new taxes?

Hoosier Daddy said...

I learned years ago that private health insurance is inefficient, and makes profits by denying care.

Well you clearly didn't learn much. I have worked in insurance for over 15 years, including health insurance and can testify that profits are made based upon sound underwriting practices. Health insurance, particularly group health is a bit more tricky since there isn't much in the way of individual underwriting (unless its a small group).

This bullshit about insurers screwing people over is just that. Read your fucking policy, yes its' that thing called a contract between you and the insurer that spells out what is covered and what isn't covered. Every one of them has this nice concise list of things not covered called EXCLUSIONS. If you are denied coverage for a procedure that is not on the EXCLUSION list you pull out the contract and recite chapter and verse. It really is that simple. Chances are if you are denied coverage for an allowed procedure, its probably because the claims examiner fucked up, not because he/she is being ordered to deny claims to make sure the CEO gets his bonus.

Some of you people read too much John Grisham.

I'm Full of Soup said...

If Obama and the Dems had any balls, they'd eliminate the Dept of Education. That would show they are serious about cutting govt burden and it would give them $100 Billion a year to use to expand health care. That is $1 Trillion over ten years.

But like I said if Obama had any balls....

I'm Full of Soup said...

Yeah FLS I worked insurance claims, etc for 7-8 years with two different companies. No one was busting down our doors because we screwed them over.

As Blake said, insurance companies pay actuaries and computer programmers big bucks to accurately track claim history and predict future claim dollars so they can assess sufficient but competitive premium rates.


Hoosier Daddy said...

And again, don't bitch because health insurance companies deny those with pre-existing conditions. The key word is insurance not pre-paid health plan. Put another way, if your un-insured house his on fire, the insurance company is not going to underwrite it.

That's pretty much common sense no?

This may come as a newsflash for some but a lot of doctors and hospitals will work with you. Few insurers offer dental plans anymore. I have one however it pays a whopping $1000 annual benefit. That's it. My daughter needed braces which cost $5000 which means after insurance kicked in I have to pay $4000.

I flat out told the orthodontist that's quite a chunk of change for me to come up with. No problem Mr. Hoosier. Here is a 2 year payment plan with no interest. Is that acceptable.

Indeed it is. Because orthodontist saw it was better for her to get a monthly payment versus me decided that a slight overbite wasn't worth the Benjamins.

Fred4Pres said...

I did not watch it.

Hoosier Daddy said...

FLS said: We seem to be the only significant capitalist country without massively taxpayer funded health care.


The Drill SGT said...

Hoosier said...It really is that simple. Chances are if you are denied coverage for an allowed procedure, its probably because the claims examiner fucked up,

You left off:

Your doc coded it wrong and when the code was changed, the prodecure is covered.

Fred4Pres said...

I did yard work. Did I miss anything?

garage mahal said...

Has Liz Cheney weighed in on this yet? That's what I want to know.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Has Liz Cheney weighed in on this yet? That's what I want to know.

You still here garage? I thought you were going to DC to get those traitrous Dems back in line! Damn it garage, Obama worked hard to get that huge Congressional majority only to have some level headed Democrats get weak in the knees over something as trivial as a trillion bucks.

Waterloo garage, Waterloo. Are you going to be like Marshall Grouchy wandering the countryside when your Emperor needs you? Damn it man, I said before history waits for no man! Mount that BMW and rally those fellow Democrats! Can you see it? Your wit and wisdom will force those spineless bastards to toe the party line. I bet Hillary will be so inspired that she'll cradle your head in her ample bosom and cackle sweet nothings in your ear.

It's your time garage.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

There was a big hullabaloo a few years ago when it was discovered that some unauthorized people had rummaged thru the passport records of a bunch of prominent people including (if i remember correctly) McCain and Obama.

The potential for mischief with medical records in the hands of some “registry bureaucrats” is too big to ignore.

avwh said...

I missed this from the presser(courtesy of Kausfiles):

On tax increases, Obama said

I don't want that final one-third of the cost of health care to be completely shouldered on the backs of middle-class families who are already struggling in a difficult economy. And so if I see a proposal that is primarily funded through taxing middle-class families, I'm going to be opposed to that ...

That sure as hell signals he's not gonna let a little thing like middle class tax increases stop his wet dream of govt healthcare, as long as it isn't "primarily" or "completely" funded by taxes on middle class families. Remember all those folks who "wouldn't see one dime of tax increase" under Obama? The middle class just went under the bus, if it's what it takes for Obamacare to pass.

The Drill SGT said...

The potential for mischief with medical records in the hands of some “registry bureaucrats” is too big to ignore.

After Obamacare and GE get done digitizing them, you can rummage from anywhere.

The power of technology :)

knox said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
knox said...

Interesting story regarding government health care: "Socialism Killed My Parents."

Key passage:

My mother told me this when I first arrived home (one year before her death) “I have to be nice to these people; they think I’ve lived long enough as it is, and if they don’t like me, they won’t help me”. She always brought gifts to the 20 something punk kid that booked her chemo sessions because she knew that he could easily derail her treatment. My mother was a strong and proud woman and it sickened me to see her kowtow to these junior bureaucrats and doctors whom, she feared, considered her too old to be worthy of attention.

"Take a number, and don't forget to bribe the appointment desk on your way out."

traditionalguy said...

The way Obama has personalized reaction to opposition to this monster Health Insurance mandate must have some purpose. Is he throwing down the gauntlet to America to fight for "Him" now and to get the habit of surrendering to the next propaganda based programs that He smiles at us and demands? I suspect that the end game of Obama's Oligarchy is to get us into an acquiesence to a World Government which He will explain is necessary for any real Carbon Use Tax that "everyone agrees" is needed to stop Air Use on the planet earth without a World Government's permission. The Obamanites also want the Defense Dept budget to go into Carbon Fighting because of potential Global Warming flooding our Navy Bases. So I cannot believe that Obama only feels threatened by the continuation of the current American system of insuring and passing around the health care costs. He may indeed be wondering why everyone is not ready to take this offer of Free stuff that is being offered to us like glass beads to the Indian tribes for Manhatten Island. But I believe what Obama is truly concerned over is an early loss of his Charms needed to get the really important cons enacted later this year.

Original Mike said...

I think the thing Obama is missing -- and this is serious -- is that people will not make the same economic decisions at different tax rates. The next dollar isn't that important to me if I'm only going to see 38 cents..

Absolutely. If things go the way they're headed, I'm retiring early. There are plenty of things I can do other than work my ass off (like fishing).

Liberals do not seem to understand incentives. For them, life's outcomes seem to fall from the sky.

garage mahal said...

You still here garage?

Just got here. And frankly I'm a bit groggy from last night after numerous Amber Ale's from Gray's Brewery. Earthy burnt orange, with a sturdy sweet malt backbone and good balance of hops and malt. We'll have to try that one again.

Original Mike said...

Grand Rounds this morning was on the appropriate ordering of imaging tests in the care of heart disease. The message I took home; while there's room for improvement, there are just as many cases of tests that should have been ordered that aren't as there are tests ordered that shouldn't be (i.e. don't expect massive costs savings up that tree).

Babs said...

I enjoyed the part regarding the Cambridge incident. The O demonstrated how to use empathy to make a judgment without regard to facts or laws, as he expects his Supreme Court nominees to do.

The Drill SGT said...

Original Mike said...
Grand Rounds this morning was on the appropriate ordering of imaging tests in the care of heart disease. The message I took home; while there's room for improvement, there are just as many cases of tests that should have been ordered that aren't as there are tests ordered that shouldn't be (i.e. don't expect massive costs savings up that tree).

Mike, you are clearly wrong there. Of course it will generate savings. YOu are looking at it from a 2 sided medical view point and it looks like balancing costs.

From B'crat or an accountant point of view, big savings.

1. Tests that are allowed, but not requested cost zero
2. Tests that are NOT allowed under the Obamcare Best Practices, are not done, thus cost zero
3. Only tests that are allowed and are requested, cost scarce health care follars

former law student said...

Would O's plan eliminate clinical trials such as this, since

Clinical trials aren't health care; they are scientific experiments. Federally funded medical research programs appears, most of all, to be a function of the President's religious views, as W.'s refusal to fund additional stem cell lines indicated.

It's as if firing your insurance company meant you had to change husbands. You are powerless.

As Hoosier admitted, firing your insurance company means you have to change husbands, in a land where men marry only certified virgins:

And again, don't bitch because health insurance companies deny those with pre-existing conditions. The key word is insurance not pre-paid health plan. Put another way, if your un-insured house his on fire, the insurance company is not going to underwrite it.

Thanks, Hoosier, for this additional private health insurance testimony.

JAL said...

Obama: ... I've been clear about ....

Hey Jon Favre. Tell the boss to stop adding "Let me be clear," and "I've been clear ..." and all the other variations of clear to your speeches. (Is he a Scientologist after all?)

We're tired of how consistently clear he always is.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Thanks, Hoosier, for this additional private health insurance testimony.

Your welcome. If you're a high health risk, be prepared to pay the costs associated with it. You have to do the same thing if you're a high risk driver.

Not sure why this is a difficult concept to understand.

JAL said...

We've moved on, but here's a good resource. Just heard the guy interviewed and commenting on Bennett in the Mornings.

Health Policy Blog

jaed said...

If this thing passes as is the federal government will have our medical records.

I think you did miss something. The provisions for creation of a federal database for all health records, and penalization of doctors and hospitals who don't comply, were in the stimulus bill. See for example here (scroll down to the heading "National Coordinator for Health Information Technology").

Who did you think was going to control the much-ballyhooed "universal electronic medical records"?

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