January 2, 2013

"I moved into the Mansion really young. I was 21 or 22... I needed to explore out there and take the time away."

"The time away really helped make me realize that where I'm meant to be is here with Hef..." 

It's practically a romance novel. Hugh Hefner marries Crystal Harris at the Playboy Mansion... I love the photographs, which make it seem like the Playboy Mansion has its own chapel. But I suspect Hugh Hefner is an atheist. Googling, I get here:
PLAYBOY: What do you believe happens after death?
HEFNER: I haven't a clue. I'm always struck by the people who think they do have a clue. It's perfectly clear to me that religion is a myth. It's something we have invented to explain the inexplicable. My religion and the spiritual side of my life come from a sense of connection to the humankind and nature on this planet and in the universe. I am in overwhelming awe of it all: It is so fantastic, so complex, so beyond comprehension. What does it all mean -- if it has any meaning at all? But how can it all exist if it doesn't have some kind of meaning? I think anyone who suggests that they have the answer is motivated by the need to invent answers, because we have no such answers.
Hef is 86, and Crystal is 26, but you never know who will go first. Hef appears to be in fine shape, and he's still cute, old man cute, not in denial of age. He seems smart and sane, and why wouldn't a woman find him attractive? Crystal on the other hand is bereft of the freshness of youth. She looks fake and drained of life, despite the big-lipped, plastered wedding-smile. What does he see in her?


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garage mahal said...

. You can go on-line and get free porn videos. Its been available online for the last 15 years - or so people tell me.

So a guy could find some discreet, HIGH QUALITY, completely free midget porn online if they chose to?

[asking for a friend]

Kirk Parker said...


Your 12:56 PM is way more unChristian and unCatholic than any of the rest of your rantings. You make yourself out to be lower than a dog thereby. Think again...

ampersand said...

How many hundred dollar bills does it take to filter out the old man smell?

rcocean said...


As everyone OVER 45 knows the Harvard Lampoon stopped being funny
when Chevy Chase and John Hughes graduated from Harvard. The nail in the Harvard Lampoon coffin occurred in 1986 when former HL editor Andersen co-founded the incredibly unfunny and un-satirical magazine Spy.

But I digress, as everyone knows Harvard has never contained "people" but only VIPs.

Shouting Thomas said...

Your 12:56 PM is way more unChristian and unCatholic than any of the rest of your rantings. You make yourself out to be lower than a dog thereby. Think again...

Fear of sex just makes people stupid, Kirk. I don't know what your problem might be, and I don't think I want to know either.

Chip S. said...

The Lampoon has always been less funny than it used to be. But no thanks to Chevy Chase or John Hughes, who didn't attend HU.

Elisabeth Shue and Natalie Portman did, but they're not funny either.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

ST, seriously, you're being incredibly dense. What on earth evidence do you have that people are "afraid" of sex because they think differently about it than you do?

I might as well claim that you're "afraid" of abstinence. I don't think you are; you just don't choose it. That others don't choose casual sex doesn't mean they're afraid, they're prudes, or whatever other clumsy reasons you're fumbling around with.

There are other paradigms out there than yours for how people relate to sexuality. You don't understand them. You keep trying to interpret others in terms of your own paradigm. Mistake.

Kirk Parker said...

Erika (re ST),

And it's not that I care what Shouting is doing, in the sense of wanting to somehow stop him. But it is worth pointing out the gaping chasm between what he's espousing and what the Church teaches--not just about sex, but that whole caring-about-others thing that he so cavalierly dismisses e.g. in his 11:50am and 12:56pm comments. (And please don't read me as defending those particular teachings--I'm not Catholic, though just about any Christian denomination will have some fairly general agreement about the broad strokes of those teachings. Right now it's just the cognitive dissonance that bothers me.)

Kirk Parker said...


"The women who pose for Playboy are not 'victims' in any way."

Perps, then?

Shouting Thomas said...

It's not the ideas expressed, Erika, it's the language of revulsion and accusations of piggery against other people.

I have no idea why people spend so much time concerning themselves with whether other people want to pose for Playboy, or why Hef marries a 26 year old.

Well, yes, it is fear of sexuality. If not, then why can't people just be satisfied to live their own lives as they please? For some reason, controlling the sexuality of other people is a compulsion for people who fear sex. Coming to a group consensus about sexual behavior and trying to enforce that consensus is a mania among humans. Probably among all primates. Deviation from the group consensus seems to be viewed as a very serious threat.

Shouting Thomas said...

Perps, then?

Jesus Christ, you have a dismal outlook on human sexual behavior, Kirk.

I suggest you cut your dick off.

What in the fuck happened to you to make you such a monstrous prig? I have difficulty understanding how a man becomes such a drab little prick, but I see a lot of it.

What can we do to make the world colorless and sexless enough so that you won't be frightened?

Kirk Parker said...

". Coming to a group consensus about sexual behavior and trying to enforce that consensus is a mania among humans. Probably among all primates. Deviation from the group consensus seems to be viewed as a very serious threat."

Will the light come on? We can but hope...

Anonymous said...

Okay, here is where we measure whether Playboy was more than just pictures.

Can anyone from memory tell one -- just one -- of the Playboy jokes printed on the back of the centerfold? There must've been hundreds over the years.

Myself, I can only remember a cartoon from some 70s Penthouse: it showed a young child, with a scribbly crown, sitting dour on his throne. Above his shoulder his mother the Queen counseled the following (paraphrased from memory):

"Darling, after you say 'off with their head' you cannot say 'on with their head'.

Don't remember any of the women in the issue, but that line has stuck with me for thirty-plus years as an essential truth.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Thomas, it seems you are the one having a hard time accepting that people think differently, for their own reasons, which you don't need to try to interpret [badly] and explain to them. I don't see anyone advocating to control people like Hefner or his blushing bride. I see people calmly expressing their opinion that behavior and morals such as his have a detrimental effect on society and ought to be discouraged. Why do YOU find THAT so threatening?

Shouting Thomas said...

Kirk, have you ever been laid?

Did you ask your mommy for permission?

Kirk Parker said...


Remind me, because I've forgotten--do you have any experience in the criminal justice arena?

Shouting Thomas said...

So, Erika, how do you plan to "discourage" Hef?

Unknown said...

For me it's not fear of sex as much as it's fear of what commodifying sex can do to people. Selling sex is much different than selling labor. Your sexuality is such a integral part of your identity. Or of your soul, to be religious about it. It's not something you can commodify without ripping some part of your identity.
(I keep getting a spelling error on commodify, but I think it's correct, anyway you know what I mean)

Shouting Thomas said...

Not a single element of this thread is about criminal behavior, Kirk.

What in the fuck is your problem, guy?

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Thomas, examine these two ideas of yours side by side:

I have no idea why people spend so much time concerning themselves with whether other people want to pose for Playboy, or why Hef marries a 26 year old.

What in the fuck happened to you to make you such a monstrous prig? I have difficulty understanding how a man becomes such a drab little prick, but I see a lot of it.

Do you see something interesting there?

Let me help.

I have no idea why people spend so much time concerning themselves with whether other people [become] such a monstrous prig? I have difficulty understanding how a man becomes such a drab little prick, but I see a lot of it.

You've got your narrow minded idea of how people should behave, and why, and [you're claiming] Kirk has his. Pot, kettle.

Shouting Thomas said...

Spoken like a spoiled American white woman, sis.

You've just spoken complete jibberish.

Sex is a commodity and will remain so. Some people deal with that well. Others don't.

The world is a hard place. You've been lucky enough to have been born into one of the softest places in the universe in one of the luckiest periods in human history.

That's not the case for most people. Your powerful morality would disappear in a moment if you had to face the reality of a harsher world.

You're just lucky. Praise your God for that.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Thomas, I don't plan to "discourage" Hef personally. I voice my critique of his moral system. Would you please try to understand the difference?

Shouting Thomas said...

I haven't made a single statement about how Kirk should behave, Erika. You're just plain wrong.

You guys are goofy. You must not have seen much of the world.

I'd think you'd be bored to tears.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Thomas, aren't you Catholic? Do you have the slightest understanding of what your (and my) church teaches about the sacred nature of sexual union? Reject it all you want, but you can't read what wyo said above and call it "gibberish." Our church would beg to differ.

Shouting Thomas said...

Hef has spent a lifetime ignoring and laughing at people like you who have tried to restrain his behavior via moral critique, Erika.

He's bigger than you. In every way.

In fact, he's morally superior to you.

Shouting Thomas said...

I am a Catholic, Erika.

You are pretty clueless.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Do you know anything about me or any of the rest of and my experience in the world, Thomas? No, you're continuing to make silly assumptions about people who don't buy what you're selling. If only we had lived what you'd lived, we'd agree with you, right? Because obviously you know what is True and Right about your own sex life and everyone else's? Nonsense.

How do you know I'm not older than you? How do you know I haven't had more sexual partners than you? I could be typing this between tricks, you know. I could be dying of AIDS. You're making assumption after assumption in this thread; why? Is it that hard to admit that maybe your understanding of sexuality is limited to, I dunno, yourself?

Unknown said...

I think I see what you mean Shouting at least a little bit. It seems purient to get so worked up about other people's sexual behavior. And, it actually is, to the extent that it's private sexual behavior, but this is public and it has an effect on people, and it's OK to remark about that effect.

Shouting Thomas said...

What am I selling, Erika?

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Thomas. I have no interest in restraining Hefner's behavior in any fashion. It's his life to live. I do have an interest, as do you, as does everyone else who takes the time to comment at Althouse, in placing my ideas on the marketplace. We all influence each other. Sensible people listen to and consider diverse points of view. Everything that you believe, you heard or experienced somewhere else first.

Please do not start insulting me. I will abandon an interesting conversation if that begins. I don't have the time or patience for that juvenile silliness.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

You're selling the notion that people who think that Hefner's lifestyle is worthy of criticism are prudes who are afraid of living life to the fullest.

Unknown said...

"Sex is a commodity and will remain so. Some people deal with that well. Others don't.

The world is a hard place. You've been lucky enough to have been born into one of the softest places in the universe in one of the luckiest periods in human history.

That's not the case for most people. Your powerful morality would disappear in a moment if you had to face the reality of a harsher world.

You're just lucky. Praise your God for that."

This actually is my point. Why should a person have to sell their sexuality in a "real" world? If you mean in a corrupt world, yes, but that goes back to the exploitation issue.

Unknown said...

And, Hef, by making it "cool" or "classy" or "modern" really just makes it more harsh and commodifies it more openly for those not "lucky" enough to be able to sell sex at a high price.

Shouting Thomas said...

Erika, here's one of the great dilemmas of life...

For a man of action, as Hef is, the reality is that his actions will always cause some good and some bad. Judging the balance of those actions is pretty impossible to do, unless you are God.

My opinion is that Hef, on balance, has done a hell of a lot more good than bad.

I've followed his career closely for 50 years, and I'm pretty confident of that. Whether his views on sexuality comport with Catholicism doesn't play much of a part in that.

Coming to terms with your sexuality and Catholicism is a matter of individual conscience. Sin is personal. It is not a matter of pubic policy so far as I am concerned.

Anonymous said...

Everyone sells their sexuality in one way or another; that's why the Europeans made the Euro. American dollars don't make the sexy anymore.

Unknown said...

Thank you for enabling me to say these things. I've been churning this around in my head all day, but I'm easily shouted down, and I needed to know someone besides myself feels this way.

I completely defer to you about the world and how it is because you are far more experienced in certain kinds of life than I am. But, I don't think I'm wrong about this and you haven't made a persuasive argument.

Shouting Thomas said...

wyo, why should a person have to sell their labor in any form?

Because reality is tough, that's why.

Exploitation is the wrong word.

We are here to serve one another, and that requires compromise and getting our hands, and sometimes other body parts, dirty.

I like sinners better than saints. I understand those who fight with the temptation better than those who want to make the world a safe and clean place. Frankly, those people bore the hell out of me. They seem to me to be missing an essential component of humanity.

Shouting Thomas said...


Where did you ever get the idea that I am a spokesman for the Catholic Church?

I can't make much sense out of your contributions to this point.

Kirk Parker said...


Of course there's nothing about criminality here yet, but there's a useful observation there to be made.

You're too pigheaded to even answer the question, so oh well...

Anonymous said...

Replace "Hugh Hefner" with "Roman Polanski" throughout this thread and let the real fireworks begin...

Unknown said...

I encourage you to read C S Lewis particularly about the power of temptation and those who resist it and those who don't.
Essentially he says that those who give in never truly know the power because they give in to it. Only those who resist it know the fullness of it. People who have sucessfully resisted great temptation might be the most interesting people you'll ever meet.

Shouting Thomas said...

I live in a community that attracts religious seekers from around the world, sis.

Woodstook is home to both Hinayana and Buddhist temples, and to many priests and nuns and many ex-priests and ex-nuns.

So, I've met them all... the greatest sinners and the greatest saints.

I prefer the sinners. No contest.

Unknown said...

And, having resisted it, possibly they have something to offer to a troubled world.

We are here to work for our living, but selling sex falls into a different category. It's exploitation because it's unequal. Some parts of people are not sellable without being exploitative. I don't think you can get enough money or power or whatever your bag is to pay for the rift in your essential being whether it's your own idea or not.

Shouting Thomas said...

I don't see the useful observation or the question, Kirk.

I don't mean to be rude... but, I'm finding you completely incoherent.

Unknown said...

But, maybe it isn't the seekers you need to talk to, it's the finders who aren't as likely to be where you are.

Shouting Thomas said...

wyo sis,

I'll recommend a movie that is available on Netflix.

"After Porn Ends."

It's a documentary about twelve people who worked in various capacities in the porn industry. I found it quite interesting.

This "essential being" stuff about sex doesn't do much for me. Sexuality is just one part of humans. A sexual injury isn't any more serious than any other type of injury... unless you believe that it is... and that's mostly a form of egotism.

Inequality between buyer and seller is a given in almost every economic transaction.

Shouting Thomas said...

You might be right, sys...

I've lead an incredibly turbulent and eventful life. I find it hard to understand people who live peaceful, uneventful lives.

Not for me. I'd be bored to death.

I've "had it made" economically and socially a dozen times in my life, and the net result was that I got so tired of the boredom and uneventfulness that I decided to junk it, head off somewhere else and try something entirely new.

It's my karma.

Unknown said...

Well, I didn't set up the world, but I think sexual exploitation does damage the soul. It think it has a purpose that God gave it, and that tampering with that purpose, particularly after being told specifically not to do it, is a problem that people don't have the ability to repair without God's help.
I know there are many other things that are also in the category of requiring repentance and it would seem to be a good idea to approach those lines carefully and hang back rather than see how far you can take it.
Solzhenitsyn speaks about it when he talks about how the guards in the gulag would walk the line of cruelty so closely that they sometimes stepped over it too many times and at that point there was no return.
Any approach to sin, which is a word you might not like, is like that. There is a point when it goes too far. Best not to go there.

Kirk Parker said...

Spokesman? Are you delusional?

Look, no one says that a member of a body has to agree with everything--or even anything--of that body's official policy, but on the other hand there's nothing unusual about asking why, when someone takes a position that's in complete disagreement with the body...

Let me try an analogy: it's not impossible for an NRA member to be in favor of lots more gun control, but almost everyone who is in favor and claims to be such a member turns out to be faking it...

Unknown said...

Thanks Shouting,
You make some points I'll think about.

Anonymous said...

Monsanto cucumbers cause genital baldness

Watch out, dangerous cucumbers!

rcocean said...

Funny how when ST shows up and dominates a thread, Ritmo and Garage disappear.

rcocean said...

The funniest man to go to Harvard was Obama. You can always tell a Harvard man... you just can't tell him much.


Anonymous said...

ST: I have no bones to pick with you or Hef about your views of sexuality, but those views are incompatible with the teachings of the Catholic Church.

Sex, according the Church, is emphatically not a commodity.

It seems to me that you are no more Catholic than Nancy Pelosi is.

William said...

There are now two or three generations of women who have been Playmates. I don't know if there have been any studies done, but my guess is that their lives have not turned out radically different than, say, a similar group of good looking girls who turn out for beauty pageants. I just don't think Heffner ruined a lot of young women....It would be a pleasant world if Heffner were the most evil personage in it.

joe said...

So kiddos, what did we learn from the known, self indentified Alemans of Vox Thomas and Inga, the bonga bonga girl?

1) That when a Aleman is writing about sex, food is never far from the mind.
"Man, this steak is going to be killer"

2)That Alemans dress up their base needs as a urbane sophistication. Let's talk politics after I have you meet my loutish desires. Never before.

3)That nobody does BDSM and death as a Aleman does.
"Man, this steak is going to be killer"

4) Armin Meives accomplished the Aleman Ecstacy/Trinty of flambeing a penis(not just fried, but liquor poured on the penis and ignited), sharing his sexual meal with his willing human being, and topping the Aleman Eucharist with the death of his fellow participant.

5)That in the struggle of what defines the Aleman culture, religion(Catholic for Vox Tommy) always comes in second to their sex and food.

6) That Hefner, after having homosexual relations denies he is a homosexual, thus proving he is a homophobe, denying the truth of gays, that your "born that way", by way of self hate, or closet homosexual.

7) So kiddos, if you meet a Aleman and his surname ends in "er", run as fast as you can.

and of course, BTK, Dennis RadER

Hattie said...

Geez. This is so lame. Who cares about that old creep and his latest sex doll?

Laura said...

Vintage Ken doll marries Commitment-is-Hard Barbie. Skipper rules the roost. Why doesn't Mattel manufacture a David Paul doll?

Laura said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Laura said...

So will Crystal share the crypt, or will Hugh finally make it with Marilyn?

Rusty said...

Hattie said...
Geez. This is so lame. Who cares about that old creep and his latest sex doll?

I know, right?
Silly old man.
Why own when you can rent.

Anonymous said...

Alemans are hedonists, what can I say?

I do enjoy a good Hungarian sausage occasionally, I'll admit.

Anonymous said...

And I'm an agnostic, with a Buddhist twist.

Anonymous said...

There are now two or three generations of women who have been Playmates. I don't know if there have been any studies done, but my guess is that their lives have not turned out radically different than, say, a similar group of good looking girls who turn out for beauty pageants.

William: Statistics on Playmate deaths have been compiled and the results are grim. Of the 53 Playmates who have died, more Playmates have died of drug overdose (7), suicide(5), and murder(2) than have died of cancer(13).

I don't know about beauty pageant winners but that is very different from the profile of American women, for whom suicide occurs at the rate of 5 per 100,000 per year.

Furthermore, the number of deaths for Playmates of the Year is almost twice that of regular Playmates.


joe said...

Inga said;
/I do enjoy a good Hungarian sausage occasionally, I'll admit/

Once again proving that food trumps religion in the Aleman.

You can change your religion, you can, even become a atheist(not religion), but you can't stay away from stuffing the upper anal canal with meat, and enjoying it occasionally. Or, is it the lower canal that Alemans prefer?

Soo, kiddos, once again we see the Aleman getting his "urbane lout on" eating pig anal canal as a transubstantional Eucharist(thanksgiving) for sex.

joe said...

/Alemans are hedonists/

No, they try and try, but never wash off their loutish urbane, from the "Austrian whore"(Queen Antoinette), to Hefner, to Dennis Rader.

"that virtue can know vice but vice cannot know evil. The penalty for vice is the vice itself, the not seeing the good in its fullness, the good that ought to be there."

The Hedonist paradox is unable to be known by a Aleman, but they never make it to Stoicism(read Vox Tommy fake appeal and popularity of Playboy), as Hefner thinks he is.

All a Aleman knows is that the pleasure just ain't so dang good anymore, and then trys to revive their lout by some appeal to "more" but "finer" sex. Eventually the gendered male Aleman "hick from the urban sticks", gets into dicks(narcissism).
And there you have the complete HefnER if you please.

William said...

@creeley: That's an interesting statistic. Thanks for providing it. I would have thought that the ability to pose naked in a mass circulation magazine was an expression of confidence but, apparently, it is also something deeply insecure people do.

Anonymous said...

Joe, what have you got against the Aleman?

Loutish behavior is but one aspect only. What of the genius? Mozart? Beethoven? Einstein? Goethe?

To name only a few.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's the Welsh in Thomas that makes him a sexual lout, not the German?

I do hope he didn't abuse that steak and make it tough and stringy.

Anonymous said...

William: I don't know that the problem is insecurity, though surely it can be. It looks to me like the problem is fame.

I don't spend a lot of time feeling sorry for celebrities -- the perks are amazing! However, fame is corrosive. There are so many actors, musicians, comedians, and writers whom I loved for their work, who were destroyed or crippled by the fast lane of fame.

Anonymous said...

They're both hideous.

joe said...

Inga wrote;

/Joe, what have you got against the Aleman?/

Nothing but the truth of their cultural loutishness and convincing themselves of their superior urbane as evidenced by the thoughts expressed through the writings of Vox Tommy .

In fact the inferior Aleman compensate continuously for the fact of lousy food and loutishness expressed through their well known BDSM society/culture.

And now it's time for the famous commenteriat rejoinder of "fuck you" from you or Loud Mouth Tommy.

Again prove of the Aleman when disecting their "cursing approved vocabulary"

1)F--king is mere pleasure for Aleman, a byproduct of "sex".

2)The Aleman is offering pleasure to the object of his "curse word". Meh.

3)It doesn't occur to the Aleman that offering pleasure to another is what he's is writing. F--k You!

4) The Aleman is positing "hate pleasure(sex)" to another person.

5) The Aleman's pleasure is intrinsic to their sadism and their sadism is unknown to the Aleman.

6) Eventually the Aleman return to their natural order of death and sex via BDSM, with a helping of HefnER's "hick from the urban sticks" so-called philosophical blabings.

Soo kiddos, when you want to "curse another", just write non-pleaure you, you f---er.

Anonymous said...

OK, Joe, non pleasure you;)!

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